Brute Force
let’s do the quick scanning to find the open ports on the box
nmap -sc -sV -oN file_name ip
nmap -SC for default cripts aand -sV for enumerate version -oN for simple nmap format and the ip address you want to scan there are two ports open one is being SSH and the other is web server HTTP, ssh is running on version openssh 7.6 and the apache 2.4.29. As the web server is open scan for the directories present in it with the gobuster
gobuster dir -u url -w wordlist -o output
gobuster dir for specifying the gobuster in directory mode and -u for the URL you want to scan and the -o for output the scanning results we have got the results /admin login page lets check the page
hydra – Very fast network logon crackerHydra is a parallelized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack. It is very fast and flexible, and new modules are easy to add. This tool makes it possible for researchers and security consultants to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access to a system remotely.
Hydra is a tool to guess/crack valid login/password pairs – usage only allowed for legal purposes.
we are going to brute force the admin panel to gain the access into the box
we found the admin credentials by brute forcing the admin panel with the rockyou wordlist, login with the credentials into the admin panel
first run the ssh2john python script for the rsa private key and save the output format to a file. then run the run the john on the output file to start the john you can use custom wordlist if you want or the you can use the custom wordlist which came along with the john the ripple
we got the password of the rsa private key and we have the ssh port open lets login into the SSH. we got logged in into the box and we have successfully logged in
if we check the permission of the user we can run the cat as sudo, If the binary is allowed to run as superuser by sudo
, it does not drop the elevated privileges and may be used to access the file system, escalate or maintain privileged access. sudo cat /etc/shadow
we got the hash of the root user, let’s crack it with the john. first save the hash to a file and sun the john tool in this case am not using any wordlist just providing the ash to the john to crack it
we got the root credentials
that’s all for today hope you like the box, have a GREAT DAY.